The price of Residentfy will depend on the number of houses of your condominium
By purchasing Residentfy you get:
Application for Residents, Guards and Administrator
Control of Payments and Advances
Expenses control with photography
Generation of Monthly Account Statements
Control of Visits by QR code or manual access
Electronic Surveys with online results
Reservation of Amenities with availability and price control
Tours Module Integrated with Google Maps, to know at all times the location of the Guards
Generation of Notifications through the Application
Registration and monitoring of incidents at your condominium
Notification to guard for gate opening
Chat with Guards privately
Share with residents the bills and regulations of your condominium
Garbage collection service input notification button
Panic Button for emergencies
Storage for recording 200 daily visits with photography
Users for each member of the resident's family
Modernize your condominium with Residentfy. Are you not convinced?
Request your free trial !